ULTIMATE STAR ⭐️ AJITH KUMAR plays a gangster Bank Robber in New hit movie “THUNIVU”. Of late the hot topic of discussion is which movie is better among the two top hero movies that got released for Pongal. Let’s see if Ajith’s movie lived up to the hype and expectations.
The story starts with a big promise. AJITH and team hijack a bank which is located in the center of the city. The take over the bank to rob about 500 Crore of cash from the bank. The action sequence and the dance and comedy were on par with that of a typical Hollywood movie. AJITH dances, fights and even crack some joke which was kind of nice to watch. No one felt that the interval came without even noticing that we watched half of the movie.
The second half of the movie transforms into investment advice for the public. That’s when it starts to drag. How banks get money from the public and how they invest and the investment loss and how the corporations avoid loss etc etc. It was almost like watching Jim Cramer show on CNBC Finance after a certain Point. The only thing the movie does not talk is about INFLATION data and Monthly Job numbers. After one hour of advice, they finished the movie somehow.
AJItH has a serious fan base and fans will watch his movies no matter what. THUNIVU does not disappoint his fan base where they want to see him performing action, fight … he even does Michel Jackson steps which brings uncontrolled laughter in the theater. With his Salt and pepper hairstyle, he can still run for a while as a hero.
The supporting cast in the movie has nothing much to do. Be it Manju Warrior, Samudrakani … the movie is pretty much is a one-man show. Ajith who robs the bank and why he is involved in the act
Movies with too much action may not be for everyone. I personally don’t like to see Gun fights when I go to watch a movie. The first half of the movie is all about guns and fight sequence which was kind of boring to me.
It looks like there is a complete shift in the audience expectations where they refuse to see a hero playing normal family role. They want to see the hero’s as Gangster or something if that sort which puts them in an odd spot.
Overall this movie satisfies his fan base. Ajith did satisfy his fans and this movie is a super hit in terms of collection. However if you are someone who does not like action fights this movie is not for you. The story is set up in one location and pretty much that’s all it is. No location Change what so ever. I would say this is an average movie and nothing more to it.
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